
Legal Notice

This is the website and legal notice of CDC Consulting SRL.

CDC Consulting SRL is a société à responsabilité limitée registered with the Belgian Crossroad Bank of Enterprises under registered number 872.872.613 (Company Register Brussels) and registered office at Avenue Louise 475, B-1050 Brussels. The company is legally represented by its directors  Dr Till Schreiber, Dr Martin Seegers, Mr Ben Bornemann, and Mr Padraic Burke. Contact Information for CDC Consulting SRL is available in the footer and on the contact page.

CDC Consulting SRL provides services for the CDC Group of companies, including CDC Retail SA (Company Register N° B 190719, Business Permit N° 10054328/7) and CDC Reclama SA (Company Register N° B 181952, Business Permit N° 10081170/4) with their legal seat at 121, Avenue de la Faïencerie, L-1511, Luxembourg.

All instances of the acronym ‘CDC’ on this website should be read as a reference to CDC Consulting SRL and its affiliated companies.

Both CDC Consulting SRL (No. 3712 E 1 – 6.446) and CDC Retail SA (3712 E 1 – 6.491) are registered as legal service providers in Germany under the German Legal Services Act. The registrations are published at

The term “CDC” on the case specific web pages stands for the legal entity which purchases and enforces the damage claims in each case as specified in the press statements.


This website and all its content including the legal notice is intended for general informational purposes only, and does not constitute and/or serve as legal advice or any other professional advice. You should not take action based upon the information contained in this site without consulting a legal counsel.

The content of this website has been created with the highest level of care. However, we cannot take any responsibility for correctness, completeness and topicality of the contents. In particular, to the maximum extent permitted by law, we accept no responsibility for any loss arising from reliance on information contained in this site or in other sites linked to this site.

Please note that data transmission via an internet connection (such as e-mail communication) is susceptible to security leaks. Complete data protection vis-à-vis third party access is not possible.

The website of CDC Consulting SRL contains links to websites of third parties. We do not have any influence over these linked websites and we take no responsibility for their contents. The same applies to websites of third parties linked to our website.

We may alter, suspend, or discontinue this website at any time for any reason, without notice or cost. The website may become unavailable due to maintenance or malfunction of computer equipment or other reasons.

The views expressed by the authors of blog posts on this website are purely personal, based on publicly available information, and do not in any way whatsoever engage the companies within the CDC group or any other entity they served, serve or might serve in the future.


CDC Consulting SRL, 2025. Contents of this website are subject to copyright. Contributions of third parties are marked accordingly.


CDC Cartel Damage Claims is a Community Trademark registered at the European Union Intellectual Property Office under no. 003387611.

Leniency PLUS+ is a Community Trademark registered at the European Union Intellectual Property Office under no. 005787254.

CDC Consulting SRL holds a licence to use these trademarks for the purposes of this website.